
Membership to North London Flying School. I have a strong interest in aviation and wish to enjoy the membership benefits that Panshanger Aerodrome has to offer. The membership fee will contribute to the upkeep of the premises. I understand that I am a guest whilst at Panshanger Aerodrome and as such agree to adhere to any restrictions imposed. I agree to to respect all staff on site. I understand that North London Flying Club and Out of the Box Cafe are not open to the public. I understand my membership maybe revoked at anytime. I give my permission to be contacted for marketing purposes by email or telephone.

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  1. Good Morning,
    I would like to know what are the grades need that my enable me to join the flight school or the level of education needed.
    Thank You

    1. Hi Brian, anyone can be a member of the flight school and a general level (high school/secondary school) education is almost certainly sufficient to start a PPL course for example. For more information please call Sue on 01707 391791.


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