
A brief over view of this years events. 

See the videos from previous year's events at the foot of the page.

Date TBC RV Day

16th June de Havilland Day 10am - 6pm

A day to remember the great work of Geoffrey de Havilland. All aircraft welcome. Free landing to all de Havilland aircraft and a free breakfast panini for the Pilot. All members and their families and friends welcome.  Refreshments will be available.

Date TBC Mid-Summers Party 7pm

Our annual party, there will be a theme so keep checking the monthly newsletters. Any visiting aircraft are welcome to camp overnight free of charge. All members and their families and friends welcome.  Refreshments will be available.

2nd August Young Aviators Day

Each year we introduce lots of youngsters to flying at Panshanger on Young Aviators Day, in 2011 MP Grant Shapps took youngsters on an aerial treasure hunt. (Video below)

11th August Panshanger Revival Day 10am - 8pm

We'll have vintage planes, cars and motorbikes plus a jazz band playing. Anyone dressing to the theme of 1930s and 40s will get free entry. All members and their families and friends welcome. Refreshments will be available.

15th September Aerobatics Day 

Full day of aerobatics (with talks) starts at 11am. Mark Jeffries flying at 3.50pm with Q&A afterwards. All members and their families and friends welcome.  Refreshments will be available.

2nd November Fireworks Party 7pm

All members and their families and friends welcome. Refreshments will be available.

24th December Santa Fly In


1 comment:

  1. This is excellent, what a wonderful place!


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